Sunday, November 8, 2020


Normally I only make running posts on this blog, but I am making a political post this time.


Truth is still true even if it doesn’t align with your agenda or you don’t agree with it.

Facts are still facts even if they don’t align with your agenda or you don’t agree with them.

Disagreeing with things does not make them not true or not factual.


Normally I am dismissive of the phrase not my president or not my governor because factually it is not true. I did not vote for Wolfe and do not like his policies, but he is still my governor since he won an election honestly. The difference is that Biden did not honestly win this election. Trump won the election by the legal and honest votes cast. Unfortunately the Demoncrats and Lieberals(misspelled intentionally) dislike Trump so much and thought that he was so bad that it was justified to steal this election by illegal and fraudulent votes. You probably haven’t heard about this if you get your news from the talking snake media or social (truth suppressing) media. I am talking about things like 1. More votes being cast in some counties and states than there are registered voters. 2. More votes being cast in some counties than there are people living in those counties. 3. Hundreds of thousands of votes being dropped off after the polls closed in Michigan and Wisconsin and not a single vote being for Trump. 4. States just stopping vote counts, but while they are stopped more ballots keep showing up. 5. Dead people still voting after they are dead. 6. States not allowing Republicans to be able to observe the counting process to ensure honesty. But let’s be honest the Demoncrats never wanted an honest election because they knew they could never steal/win an honest election. You see the Demoncrats have long embraced this paraphrase from one of the leaders they so admire. Joseph Stalin - “The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” The way this election has been managed and ran is reminiscent of elections in socialist and communist countries, which shouldn’t be so surprising since that is the direction the Demoncrats want to take us. This isn’t the first case of voter fraud by Demoncrats in presidential elections. There have been obvious cases of voter fraud by Democrats going back to George W’s first election over Gore. Unfortunately Demoncrat judges have blocked efforts to resolve these problems time and time again in various states. Unfortunately the Demoncrats were able to add mail in ballots to their voter fraud efforts this time and they may have finally succeeded.


If we were going to do things fairly 1. All the votes that were cast in counties and states that exceed the number of registered voters or residents in that county should be taken away from Biden’s total. 2. All the votes that came in after the polls closed should be taken away from Biden’s total. 3. All the votes that just appeared while states had stopped counting should be taken away from Biden’s total. 4. All the dead peoples votes should be taken away from Biden’s total because everyone knows all dead people vote Democrat. When you are dead you lose your right to vote. You do not get to come back to life to cast your vote every year. 5. There should be bipartisan representation at all recounts. 6. The most fair thing we could do would be for all the states in question to just vote again, while keeping the absentee, not mail in vote counts. As for why all that votes that should be taken away come off Biden’s total the answer is because voter fraud in presidential elections is predominantly committed by Democrats. Republicans are not saints(they are politicians after all) and far from perfect, but in this case and recent presidential elections Democrats are behind most of the voter fraud.


No true Christians that have trusted in Jesus Christ for their salvation, have relationship with God, and believe the Bible is true should ever vote for a Democrat. By Bible believing I mean that you believe the whole Bible is true, not just bits and pieces. You can’t say I like the Beatitudes, but not the Ten Commandments. It is either all true or none of it is true. A true Christian cannot vote for a candidate that serves in a party that stands for murdering unborn children, destroying the traditional family structure, and removing God from our Government and lives, and transforming our country into a socialist country that will not resemble the United States you now know. Demoncrats like their father, Satan, have only come to steal(our country), kill(unborn children), and destroy(traditional marriage and family.) Regardless of what a candidate says or professes, if they are aligned with the Demoncrat party they vote with that party ninety plus percentage of that time. A true Christian cannot align themself or vote for a party that stands for those things. The Republican Party is not perfect, but their platform aligns more with Christian beliefs on these issues. When choosing between two flawed individuals we have to look at the platforms and stances of their party.


All of this said, my hope and trust is in God. I know He is in control regardless of who is in the White House and He will use any ruler to accomplish His plans and purposes. I am still upset that the Demoncrats may have succeeded in stealing this election by dishonest means and using the talking snake media and social media to cover it up. Do I feel that America is deserving of the punishment and consequences of a Biden/Harris presidency? Yes, I do, but I pray that God will grant us grace and mercy to shield us and keep us from a Biden/Harris presidency. So by the lawful/legal/honest votes Joe Biden is not my president even if he is the Cheater in Chief.


I know that my true friends and family will be respectful of my views, open minded, and mature enough to be able to agree to disagree on these issues. If you feel you must unfriend/unfollow me because of this post, then go ahead. I hope that one day you too will be open minded and mature enough to be able to agree to disagree.